Assembly Line Wiki

Crafter selection

The pop-up screen after tapping on crafter. In the photo, circuit is selected for crafting.


Crafters allow you to use purchased blueprints to make items. Generally, crafted items are worth more money than its constituent items.

Assembly Line 1[]

To choose a blueprint for the crafter, tap the crafter, then tap the "None" on the right of the pop-up (after the arrow). After that, choose a blueprint.

that, choose a blueprint.


A crafter will operate at a electricity cost of $5 per use and crafts an item from the blueprint selected every 3 seconds.

The electricity cost can be upgraded, reducing the cost to $1 per use, while the crafting time can be upgraded, reducing the time to 1 second per item.

Assembly Line 2[]

AL2 crafter mechanics are very similar to AL1 in that they take inputs from any direction and craft the selected recipe. Their main point of difference is that crafters are not a "one size fits all" solution as they are in AL1. Crafters come in 5 different levels that each have a set of products they can craft. To craft a given product, you must have both the correct crafter as well as the corresponding blueprint unlocked.

MK 1-3 Crafters are primarily focused on products from the AI Robot tech tree, though the MK 3 is used for non-radioactive blueprints on the AI Robot Bomber tech tree (the right of 3 branches).

Al2 crafter

AL2 Crafters and their recipes - Standard MK 1 through Radioactive MK 2

Radioactive Crafters and Energy Consumption[]

Radioactive Crafters are the only machines in AL2 that require energy to run. Unlike AL1, this is not handled in the form of negative product. Instead, Radioactive Crafters have a second bar below the product creation progress bar that represents how much energy is available. If there is no energy to consume, crafting will pause. The energy gauge has a maximum of 20 and any additional fuel will simply be wasted.

To recharge the energy gauge, Radioactive Crafters require either Refined Uranium or Refined Plutonium (there is no functional difference between which resource the player uses for fuel). These are created by processing the raw form of the materials in a Refinery. Each refined product provides 5 units of energy. This means that without upgrades, it takes 5 total refined radioactive materials to craft an item and that at least one of them must be added after crafting has been running for at least 1 second (as the required energy exceeds the crafter's capacity for energy).

By default without upgrades, Radioactive Crafters have a crafting cycle of 6 seconds and require 25 energy to craft a product. Both MK 1 and MK 2 Radioactive crafters support the following upgrades:

  • Decrease crafting time (4 upgrades to a minimum time of 1 second)
  • Decrease the fuel consumption per second (4 upgrades to a minimum of 1 per second)

A fully upgraded Radioactive Crafter requires 1 fuel for enough energy for a 1 second craft cycle. Since the maximum upgrade of Radioactive Starters allows production of 2 resources per second, a single radioactive starter paired with 2 refineries can fully power 12 radioactive crafters operating at maximum speed.

For a detailed breakdown of which crafter creates which products, their ingredients, sell prices, and more, see the Products page.

Product Types by Crafter
Crafter Product Types
Crafter MK 1 The top row of items only on the AI Robot tech tree
Crafter MK 2 Mid-tier items on the AI Robot tech tree before Super Computers, Electric Engines, and AI Robot Arms
Crafter MK 3 All other AI Robot tech tree items as well as the right branch of the AI Robot Bomber tech tree (specifically the items without radioactive components that lead up to Detonators)
Radioactive Crafter MK 1 Radioactive Cells and Circuits, Nuclear Cells, and Nuclear Circuits
Radioactive Crafter MK 2 Nuclear Cores and Processors, Atomic Bombs, and the AI Atomic Bomber