Machines are used either to turn products and/or basic materials into progressively more complex products (production machines) or used to move items from one location to another (transportation machines). A player must pay a cost to place a machine. This cost is refunded if the machine is removed.
Starters and Sellers[]
Starters and sellers stand in a category of their own. Starters produce the raw resources used by all other machines. Detailed information on different types of starters can be found on the Starters page. Sellers are the end terminal point of all production where products are sold.
Production Machines[]
All production machines besides crafters take a basic material and turn it into a refined material and only accept one input at a time. The only exception is the Cable Maker (AL2 only), which takes 3 wire as an input. Crafters take 2 or more products/basic materials/refined materials and turn them into products.
List of Production Machines[]
Transportation Machines[]
Transportation machines move items from place to place. With the exception of transporters, this always happens within a 3x3 grid with the machine located in the center. Transportation machines can receive inputs from any orthogonal direction (above, below, left, right). Depending on the machine type, it will then move the input to one or more destination spaces within that grid, also orthogonally. The most basic of these is the roller, which takes an item from any direction and moves it to the location the roller is facing. Unless otherwise stated, all items transit through transportation machines in 1 second.
Name | Version(s) |
Roller | Both |
Timed Roller | Assembly Line 1 |
Splitter | Both |
Left Splitter | Both (behaviors differ) |
Three-Way Splitter (AL1)
Advanced Splitter (AL2) |
Both (Names differ) |
Right Splitter | Both (behaviors differ) |
Timed Splitter | Assembly Line 2 |
Robotic Arm | Assembly Line 1 |
Filtered Robotic Arm | Assembly Line 1 |
Left Selector | Both |
Right Selector | Both |
Multi-Selector | Both |
Transporter Input | Both (behaviors differ) |
Transporter Output | Both (behaviors differ) |
Advanced Transporter Input | Assembly Line 2 |
Advanced Transporter Output | Assembly Line 2 |
Machines in Assembly Line 1[]
All production machines consume energy to run. While energy itself is not a resource, it's cost is a factor and is deducted from the player's total. Energy cost is on a per-machine basis and can be reduced through upgrades. Each machine also has a crafting time. This can also be reduced through upgrades. Transportation machines have no cost and cannot be upgraded (though all transportation machines besides the basic roller must be unlocked).
The crafter is the only machine that supports more than one material and is also the only machine that can accept anything besides raw resources as an input.
Machines in Assembly Line 2[]
While AL2 removes the cost mechanic for both basic resources from starters and electric costs from production machines, the successor to this mechanic is introduced in the form of fuel when the player unlocks and begins to progress on the second technology tree.
While AL2 includes all production machines from AL1, it gets significantly more granular with crafters. The same crafter the player originally unlocks to create their first products is the same crafter used to create AI Robots. By contrast, AL2 has 5 crafters: MK 1 -MK 3 crafters are used to make all items on the first technology tree while the MK 1 and MK 2 radioactive crafters are used for the majority of items in the second technology tree.
Upgrade Costs for All Assembly Line 2 Machines[]
Machine | Unlock Cost | Building Cost | Upgrade Cost |
Starter | 1 K | Limit +1: 10 K, 40 K, 50 K, 100 K, 300 K, 500 K, 750 K, 1.5 M, 3 M, 10 M, 15 M, 20 M, 45 M, 95 M, 140 M, 175 M, 250 M, 550 M, 850 M, 1.25 B, 2 B, 2.5 B, 2.5 B?, 3.5 B, 3.5 B?, 4.5 B, 5.5 B, 8 B, 10 B, 15 B, 20 B, 30 B, 50 B, 80 B, 10.5 B?, 25.5 B?, 45.5 B?
| |
Radioactive Starter | 2 B | 1 B | Time -1 s: 700 B, 900 B, 1.2 T, 1.5 T
Wire Maker | 5 K | Time -1 s: 400 K, 800 K, 1.25 M, 3.5 M | |
Cutter | 100 K | 10 K | Time -1 s: 400 K, 800 K, 1.25 M, 3.5 M |
Furnace | 100 K | 10 K | Time -1 s: 400 K, 800 K, 1.25 M, 3.5 M |
Cable Maker | 500 K | 30 K | Time -1 s: 1 M, 2 M, 6 M, 12 M |
Hydraulic Press | 12 M | 100 K | Time -1 s: 120 M, 200 M, 300 M, 500 M |
Refinery | 3 B | 1 B | Time -1 s: 700 B, 900 B, 1.2 T, 1.5 T |
Crafter MK 1 | 15 K | Time -1 s: 1 M, 1.8 M, 3.3 M, 4.8 M | |
Crafter MK 2 | 200 K | 50 K | Time -1 s: 8 M, 14 M, 60 M, 140 M |
Crafter MK 3 | 20 M | 150 K | Time -1 s: 90 M, 135 M, 190 M, 250 M |
Radioactive Crafter MK 1 | 4 B | 1 B | Time -1 s: 700 B, 900 B, 1.2 T, 1.5 T
Radioactive Crafter MK 2 | 6 B | 2 B | Time -1 s: 1.2 T, 1.8 T, 2.4 T, 3 T
Importer | 1 B | 200 M | Limit +1: 2.2 B, 8 B, 20 B, 55 B, 100 B
Seller | 5 K | ||
Roller | 300 | ||
Splitter | 25 K | 10 K | |
Splitter Left | 150 K | 12 K | |
Splitter Right | 150 K | 12 K | |
Splitter Three-Way | 300 K | 20 K | |
Advanced Splitter | 5 M | 100 K | |
Timed Splitter | 3 B | 1 B | |
Selector Left | 900 K | 50 K | |
Selector Right | 900 K | 50 K | |
Selector Multi | 1.2 M | 75 K | |
Trasporter Input | 30 M | 1 M | |
Transporter Output | 30 M | 1 M | |
Advanced Transporter Input | 300 M | 10 M | |
Advanced Transporter Output | 300 M | 10 M |
Energy Costs in Assembly Line 2[]
Any product made with a radioactive crafter includes Uranium or Plutonium either directly or in one of the components of it's recipe. These products carry the cost of energy. Energy is created by processing either Uranium or Plutonium in the refinery and then feeding it as an input to the crafter. The energy requirement is not explicitly stated in the recipe.
The amount of energy consumed is based on how long the product takes to craft and how much energy the machine uses per second. Both of these can be decreased via upgrades. Radioactive crafters can store up to 20 energy. Any additional fuel inserted into the machine after this point is simply wasted. If a radioactive crafter runs out of energy, the current job is paused until more is inserted.